Yahoo and Twitter Mixture of Services

Yahoo and Twitter Mixture of Services

Yahoo and Twitter have struck a landmark deal that differs significantly from all others that have been concluded between the search engines and social networks like Google / Bing / Facebook and Twitter itself. The integration of both sides will be deeper with a mixture of services and privileges.

Google and Facebook and Twitter Bing had snared only with respect to their share real time, as integration of real time searches through the main engines. Yahoo rises to a higher level and signed an agreement with Twitter based on three fundamental points.

Yahoo and Twitter bind (almost) unbreakable, you can first access and update or publish on the social network of 140 characters directly from Yahoo or any of the monitored sites. Also on Twitter will be easier and faster to attach links to services owned by the second search engine American.

Be possible Twitt and control their social activities without even leaving the site. Obviously, the third point could only be that of real-time search that even in this case is the protagonist of innovation. No word on any economic agreements, but says at least $ 12 million building on what had recently released Microsoft and Google.



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